
Man burnt to death in Bauchi for insulting Prophet Muhammad

By Salami Azeez

March 31, 2021

A man identified as Talle Mai Ruwa has been burnt to death for allegedly insulting Prophet Muhammad.

He was burnt by irate youths backed by leaders in Sade community in Darazo Local Government Area of Bauchi State.

Mai Ruwa was dragged away from his house on Tuesday in the presence of his mother and burnt to death in the middle of the community.

Eyewitnesses said that the youths contributed money to buy petrol to set Mai Ruwa ablaze.

Sources said that some youths had earlier dragged the deceased before Islamic clerics where he was asked questions.

After the questioning session, the clerics reportedly told the crowd that Talle Mai Ruwa deserved to be killed.

“The mum stood and watched while fire consumed Talle Mai Ruwa until he was reduced to ashes,” he lamented.

Reports says that Talle Mai Ruwa had been going through unspecified type of mental illness.