Trump Rips Twitter For Banning Him, But Allowing Taliban To Provide Updates

By Salami Azeez

August 20, 2021

Donald Trump is not amused at what he sees as the hypocrisy of Twitter allowing the Taliban to use their platform, but not him.

The former American president ripped the social media platform for letting the Taliban provide updates on their retaking of Afghanistan.

“It’s disgraceful when you think that you have killers and muggers and dictators and horrible — some horrible dictators and countries, and they’re all on but the president of the United States, who had hundreds of millions of people, by the way, he gets taken off,” Trump told Newsmax Wednesday.

Trump has remained banned from the platform since the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, but Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid has been allowed to post updates freely on the platform.Mujahid’s unverified account now has more than 300,000 followers. Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, another Taliban spokesperson, has more than 66,000 followers.

Twitter ducked Trump, but put up a general statement about the Taliban.

“The situation in Afghanistan is rapidly evolving,” the statement said. “We’re also witnessing people in the country using Twitter to seek help and assistance. Twitter’s top priority is keeping people safe, and we remain vigilant.

“We will continue to proactively enforce our rules and review content that may violate Twitter Rules, specifically policies against the glorification of violence, platform manipulation and spam.”

Trump sued Twitter, Facebook and YouTube last month for shutting down his accounts.